Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ask the right question to get the right answer

So far, I've found that there are so many more questions that I have never even thought of asking. So, it would stand to reason that there are also answers out there, just waiting for the right question to be asked.

Incorrect questions would be something along the lines of these:

1. Why?
2. How come?
3. Why him?
4. Why not me?
5. Did God do this?
6. How could God let this happen?
7. God how could you?
8. God, can we talk?
9. God?

We always question things we don't understand. That's what helps us to understand them. So then, how does questioning things we don't understand that we can't do anything about help us?

Got to blow off steam, got to feel like I'm doing something positive, got to just do something!

Ok, what am I talking about? Ah, the question...THE question....I'm talking about a 22 y/o young man...a boy really...who all of a sudden has his life ripped out from under him with one word, one word from the medical profession. LEUKEMIA! I don't even think it is a real word, I think it's just a term some bunch of doctors made up, some scientist...some somebodies...

Ok, he has leukemia, ok, lets look that up. Ok, the book says, no problem, we can cure leukemia. That's great, wow, had me scared there for a minute. What?..What?...what kind of leukemia?...well, I don't know, leukemia many different kinds are there?....ah....that many huh?

Well, what's the best kind to have.....Chronic...chronic?..yes, chronic...ok, he's got chronic..the doctors said they were 95 % certain he had chronic...only old men get Acute...he's not old...he's 22......he's got Acute!!..NO!, you just said he had chronic.....wrong?..wrong? can you be wrong, you're's not's Chronic in the blast phase of acute...WHAT? wait a're making that up....YES YOU ARE!!!

He can't have that...he's just a boy....GOD?...are you there?...God listen to me....can I just get like a couple of minutes here God?....whatever you want God...whatever it takes....I'll do it....God?..are you there?....can't we work this out?.....God?....he's my baby....let it be me...God....please....please...