Friday, September 18, 2009

Someone said....

On Tuesday, it will be the first day of fall. The first day of my 56th fall to be exact. I wonder what it will be like? No doubt it will lead to my 56th winter...ok, that's a given, if, of course, the Lord so wills it. I think it will be ok with Him and I know it will be ok with me. I have no more idea what this fall will be like than I have for what my first one was like. But, I'm pretty sure; it will be very similar to all the others I've lived through. Just like all my other years, this one has been specifically different and very similarly the same. The days came and went, that's not new. Some very different things occurred though and that was different than in days gone by.We had illness and pain. We've also had joy and laughter. Emotions can rule any day they are left in charge of. Maybe Mr. Data was right. Emotions are truly a human virtue.What about behavior though. We've learned our behavior from the life we've lived. Some have learned to be very good, kind and caring. While others have learned to be cold and brutal, getting pleasure from the pain of other beings. People or dogs or cats. If I live to be 100, I'll never understand mean people. What is it that drives an individual to cause others hurt, just so they, themselves can feel superior?Thank you Lord for another day. I pray I have not wasted it and spent it wisely. Please Sir, may I have another!

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