Thursday, July 23, 2009

I couldn't do it

Another day has been given to me. I get to use it any way I want. It was a gift, with no strings attatched. That's pretty cool.

I went to bed last night, tossed around a bit and finally got to sleep somewhere in the neighborhood of midnight. Then, the nocternal urge called me and I had to get up, the clock said it was only 25 minutes until the alarm was to go off. Man I hate that. I was still sleepy and including the time I had to spend in the facilities, I only had 25 minutes til time to get up and start the day. I was not ready.

I've been told that God never sleeps. I couldn't do it! If for no other reason, that should cause you to stop and ponder the power of God. Years and Years and!

I think I was given a gift this morning on the way to work.

I was driving on the interstate, listening to the radio, looking out my fogged up back window, trying to merge into the other lane, watching the car in front, to the left and behind me, all at the same time. Pretty cool huh? NOT. I was so busy watching all those things, that I forgot to watch the speedometer! Just about the time I saw the car, about 50 yards in front of me, hit his brakes, I also saw the state trooper setting on the left hand side of the highway, then I remembered my brakes and my speedometer. I was probably going about 10 to 15 mph over the limit, but with the flow of traffic. I passed him and went on toward work more mindful of my speed. After about 2 miles, I looked in my rearview, and guess who was there? Yep, Mr. Arkansas State Police cruiser. He did not have his lights on, I was going about 2 mph under the posted limit this time. Like I said, I was paying more attention. I moved to the middle lane, he moved up next to me, then slightly ahead then, he hit his lights....for about 2 seconds...then turned them off and cruised on off down his lane. I think that was a gift. From him to me, letting me know that he knew and that he knew I knew I had been going too fast. For whatever reason, I was grateful.
I need coffee!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another thing

Wow, VBS at Somers is history for 2009.  How "cosmic" was it that the total attendance for the 4 days was 2009's pretty cool....ok, I borrowed "cosmic" from Dr. K, but he won't mind, we are like, really close friends...ha.

Thanks to everyone that told me how much they enjoyed the skits during VBS.  Ya'll are very nice.
Thanks to Janet, who's idea and imagination brought it all together.  Charlie, you da best "operation" guy ever..haha..

Dr. K, the doctor of electricity, you da bomb man, good job...and Steve M, you got that silver tongue thing working...

God is great.


VBS at Somers

The Somers Avenue Church of Christ, North Little Rock, Arkansas, has been having vacation Bible School for the past 3 nights. This is a combined effort with the congregations from Levy and Sylvan Hills. What a blessing this has been. I've gone home tired each night. But what a tired it has been!

God continues to amaze me, even at my age, with how many different ways He can find to bless me and uplift me. Surely Paul's bones must have ached much more than mine do at the end of my day. But, he did not quit. Even after being beaten nearly to death, he got up, walked back into town, let himself be seen, and then, and only then, did he leave the town, walking, of his own accord.

Thank you God for the ache in my bones, for the soreness in my knees. Thank you God for the song in my heart, for the smile on my lips, put there by seeing the little kids (and the adults) that were at VBS. Thank you God for the lessons learned this week. Some from the Bible and still others from my daily walk in life.